Siege of Stamplands

Siege of Stamplands is a tower defense game made for the Game Off 2022 with the theme "cliché". I led the design, including UI/UX mockups and systems design as well as wave and enemy design. Using scriptable objects, managing enemies and waves was done mostly through the Unity. Worked in a team of 9, including sound designers, artists, programmers and a producer.

Notable Skills: UI mockups and UX design, game balancing and wave design, systems design, interdepartmental communications.

The project involved balancing between 3 main units, including upgrades and UI design for indicators, and 3 different types of enemies, including speed, damage, and health. Also included was the design of the systems for cards; how lands work/ are apportioned, how quickly hands rotated, and UI indicators for resources and time. The game was balanced for casual gameplay. As such, it is made to be quickly cycled through and for all strategies to have a possibility of winning to give players a quick vertical slice.


Phantom Hallow's Eve